Visit one of our outstanding Body Shops in either Harrisonburg, VA or Richmond, VA.
Accidents come at the most inconvenient times, but we’re here to help make the repair process as quick and easy as possible. We have the knowledge and tools to make your truck look new again. Give us a call in Harrisonburg or Richmond to schedule a free estimate.

Frame Alignment Center - Harrisonburg, VA
The amount of money and time spent to develop and operate fuel efficient trucks is enormous.
Yet, many truck owners neglect one of the most effective ways to increase driving efficiency and reduce costs…Maintaining proper frame and wheel alignment.
At Truck Enterprises, we use a unique, electronic laser system designed to accurately measure wheel angles on medium and heavy-duty trucks.
Aligning and adjusting all wheel angles with the computerized JOSAM Truckaligner, greatly improves tire life and increases fuel economy.
In addition to complete alignment we offer expert diagnosis of tire wear, handling, and vibration issues.
Benefits of an Electronic Alignment System:
- Detailed measurement through patented advanced laser and angle sensors, this equipment measures toe, KPI, caster, camber, toe out on turns, toe angle, and out of square.
- A step-by-step menu system through the entire process
- Automatic compensation of any floor or axle deviation
- Quick reading while adjusting and measuring the vehicle
- Printed or digital reports for the customer
Play Detector & Customer Promise:
The first step of our alignment process is a thorough suspension check. If problems are found that prevent an accurate alignment, we will not perform the alignment. We will not waste your money! However, we will write a detailed description of the problems found and review them with the customer.